Blog 5: Don’t Be Late To Scale
In this blog, I reflect on the importance of timing in innovation. Last month, I shared that one thing I have learned is that there is no good time to innovate, just as there is no good time not to innovate. I want to delve a little deeper into this subject now and talk about the importance of timing your innovations. I’m coming a bit late to writing my blog for May. Part of that is due to share of mind, with the evolving COVID-19 crisis being a constant drumbeat. Part of that is also due to a lot going in my own small part of the world, with some major ups as well as downs. However, what all has this served to reinforce is the essential insight that time and our perception of it, is relative, not absolute - and so how we shape and use that time is a vital and important question. In the FinTech world, timing has been a hot topic over the last few weeks. For example, the timing of Monzo’s new capital raise and Tom Blomfield’s decision to step away from being CEO and become...